Fast mobilisation of people and emergency services involved in a crisis

CERTAS multicall enables you to alert all of the people you need to at the same time, such as company management, crisis units, technicians and your own employees, with a voice message recorded in advance.


Mobilisation of key people

In a crisis situation, such as a natural disaster, fire, demonstration, technical fault, gas leak or flood, Certas will take care of all the necessary organisational matters, giving you the time you need to take the first emergency response measures on site without delay.


Alerting via app

You can alert employees or family members directly from the app in the shortest possible time and automatically with a swipe motion. Fast, user-friendly and secure. The alerts received there can be both accepted and rejected by the recipients.


With Self-Commissioning, you process the bases for your alerting yourself. You can manage and change participant data and add or delete participant groups. You can manage your alarm events, change voice announcements or text messages simply and easily.


Telephone conference

In a crisis situation, Certas will set up a telephone conference with all necessary people so that a solution can be found pragmatically and swiftly. We establish the connection to the Certas monitoring centre independently of your systems. On request, we will also take part in the call and provide you with constructive advice backed by our many years of experience in the industry.

multicall Mini

  • Only in combination with a CERTAS alarm subscription
  • Condition: Customer has an installed hazard warning system (burglary, fire, ...)
  • No options/extensions are possible with this subscription
  • Up to 10 participants* (receivers and participants)
  • Limited to 1 alarm event/voice message

*Per participant maximum: 2 telephone numbers, 1 e-mail address, 1 multicall App account

CHF 35.00/month

One-time fee:

  • Creation of file for mobilisation, set-up in / import to Certas system
  • Customer visit and consultation
  • Recording of processes, definition of participants (telephone numbers, etc.).
  • Creation of alarm events 
  • Recording of voice messages (text-to-speech) 
  • Transmission test and function check with Certas 
  • Providing CERTAS multicall mobile App on App Store and Google Play 
    CHF 300.00
  • Flat-rate: for each plan adjustment, changes of telephone numbers flat-rate for each case CHF 60.00 

multicall Medium

  • Up to 100 participants* (receivers and participants)
  • Included: 3 alarm events (1 alarm event comprises test and cancellation), additional alarm events as 
    an option
  • Can be activated by customer (call to the alarm centre) and automatically if there is an alarm event

*Per participant maximum: 2 telephone numbers, 1 e-mail address, 1 multicall App account

CHF 150.00/month

One-time fee:

  • Creation of file for mobilisation, set-up in / import to Certas system
  • Customer visit and consultation
  • Recording of processes, definition of participants (telephone numbers, etc.).
  • Creation of alarm events
  • Recording of voice messages (text-to-speech)
  • Transmission test and function check with Certas
  • Providing CERTAS multicall mobile App on App Store and Google Play
  • Option: Additional alarm event or additional group set-up CHF 60.00 
  • Option: Additional recording or adjustment of a voice message CHF 60.00 
  • Flat-rate: for each plan adjustment, changes of telephone numbers flat-rate for each case CHF 60.00 
  • Option: Set-up and organisation of a conference call (up to 10 telephone numbers) CHF 120.00

multicall Maxi

  • Up to 1000 participants* (receivers and participants)
  • Included: 3 alarm events (1 alarm event comprises test and cancellation), additional alarm events as 
    an option
  • Can be activated by customer (call to the alarm centre) and automatically if there is an alarm event

*Per participant maximum: 2 telephone numbers, 1 e-mail address, 1 multicall App account

CHF 350.00/month

One-time fee:

  • Creation of file for mobilisation, set-up in / import to Certas system
  • Customer visit and consultation
  • Recording of processes, definition of participants (telephone numbers, etc.).
  • Creation of alarm events
  • Recording of voice messages (text-to-speech)
  • Transmission test and function check with Certas
  • Providing CERTAS multicall mobile App on App Store and Google Play 
  • Option: Additional alarm event or additional group set-up CHF 60.00 
  • Option: Additional recording or adjustment of a voice message CHF 60.00 
  • Flat-rate: for each plan adjustment, changes of telephone numbers flat-rate for each case CHF 60.00 
  • Option: Set-up and organisation of a conference call (up to 10 telephone numbers) CHF 120.00

CERTAS multicall tailored to your needs

We would be happy to advise you to ensure you have the support of a holistic crisis and emergency alarm plan.

We see what you don’t, and everyone is informed at the touch of a button.

How does CERTAS multicall work?
  1. Alarm situation
    Certas receives an alert from a customer or a hazard warning system that something isn't right.
  2. Trigger
    Our Certas employee forwards the alert to all persons involved and all recipients defined in advance at the same time.
  3. Acknowledgement
    Thanks to the acknowledgement function, you know exactly which persons have received the alert.
  4. Controlling
    Updates on the current status of the alert, service report and Controlling are provided.
How does CERTAS multicall work?