The decisive step ahead
We would love to hear from you
Interested in finding out more about our services? Have questions about your own security set-up? You’re in safe hands with us. At our centres in Zurich, Lausanne and Lugano, we’re committed to delivering the very best customer service with a human touch in Switzerland. Our customer service team is on hand to help you and always ready to go the extra mile for your safety and security.
Certas AG Zürich
Schweizerische Alarm- und Einsatzzentrale
Kalkbreitestrasse 51
8003 Zürich
Phone +41 44 637 37 37
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Certas SA Lausanne
Centrale suisse d’alarme et d’engagement
Chemin de Bérée 52
1010 Lausanne
Phone +41 21 213 50 50
view in Google Maps
Certas SA Lugano
Certas Centrale Svizzera d’allarme e intervento
Via Luigi Canonica 6
6900 Lugano
Phone +41 58 910 27 34
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