Environmental policy of Certas AG
As market leader, Certas is committed to protecting the environment and avoiding unnecessary pollution. Certas attaches great importance to a forward-looking environmental policy as the basis for its actions.
We implement our environmentally friendly behaviour as follows:
- environmental aspects flow into the development and provision of our services,
- we consider ecological criteria in the selection of our suppliers and partners,
- we motivate our employees to behave in an environmentally friendly manner and report regularly on our environmental activities.
By striving to continuously improve our environmental performance, we want to strengthen our competitiveness and lead by example.
In April 2021, a photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of the Securitas Group building in Lausanne. The system consists of 180 modules with a total surface area of 299 m2 and an output of 62.1 kilowatts peak (measurement of the peak output of a photovoltaic system). This means that a great deal of the unused space on the roof is used for power generation. This latest system will cover up to 60% of Certas’ electricity requirements for its operations in Lausanne. You can view the performance and energy output for the Lausanne site and even follow it in real time here.
The roofs of the two complexes in Zollikofen and Lausanne are now equipped with photovoltaic systems that meet a large part of Certas' electricity needs.
Safety and Health Policy of Certas AG
Certas AG is committed to providing its employees and all other stakeholders with a safe and healthy working environment and to conducting its various business activities in a safe manner. Occupational health and safety are core corporate values that are integrated into our business activities.
Certas AG commits to comply with the applicable laws and regulations. Special emphasis is placed on cooperation with authorities, institutions, and qualified partners.
In addition, we integrate SGA targets into our management system. The Executive Board and all managers are responsible for the prevention and reduction of injuries and occupational illnesses. We expect our employees to actively contribute to the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety. Potential for improvement is continuously identified and appropriate measures are initiated.
Each supervisor is responsible for:
- promoting the health and safety of employees
- the behavior of employees with regard to safety
- safe working equipment
- the proper handling of devices and work equipment
- environmental protection
Each employee is responsible for:
- his/her own health and safety
- compliance with safety regulations while carrying out the assigned tasks
- reporting defects and risk factors
The measures required to comply with our SGA policy are planned and implemented in agreement with the Executive Board.
We train, promote and motivate our employees through regular targeted further training to enable them to perform their duties in accordance with this SGA policy. We keep our employees updated about the status of our occupational health and safety regulations. We also require active participation of employees in the implementation of the necessary measures within the framework of a regular exchange (SGA committee).
The effectiveness of the decisions and measures taken is monitored on a regular basis. Internal and external audits enable us to ensure proper implementation and achievement of the goals set.
Claude Béguin, Elisabeth Lipiec
Approved at the Management meeting 22.3.2023